Join me as I travel the world in search of the tastiest beer, smoothest wine and to die for chocolate. I am not an expert, just an enthusiast. I only write about places that are FUN.

This decade-long adventure is just beginning. I plan to travel extensively through North and South America, Europe and touch on Africa and Asia. I invite you to follow my journey and send me suggestions for places to visit. Thanks for reading my blog!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Athens, GA - Terrapin Brewery

Terrapin offered a great selection the night we visited. 
It is hard to beat the energy and atmosphere of Athens, GA in the month of April. With the exception of autumn, when football fever is everywhere, the spring is this college town's most exciting season. Outdoor events abound, the weather is gorgeous and healthy University of Georgia students are out in force looking for a little fun before finals begin.  All were in play when we visited Terrapin Brewery last Saturday night to drink beer and enjoy the festivities.  Terrapin is celebrating their 10th year anniversary this month and is currently a regional microbrewery, producing craft beer and distributing only to a few southern states. The great news is due to their success, there are plans for expansion and broader distribution If you haven't had the chance to sample some Terrapin Beer, you're missing out.

More people tasting than touring
Why go:
The Terrapin microbrewery is located only a few miles from the UGA campus, and therefore, a popular destination for students and other members of the University community looking for some great beer and something fun to do. The brewery is open for tours and tasting on Wednesday - Saturday nights from 5:30 - 7:30. Georgia law prevents selling the beer at the brewery, but you can buy an imprinted beer glass for $10, and with that comes 8 tickets for "tasting."  Each taste is a healthy 4 ounce pour and you can easily sample all the beers they have available, and go back for seconds on the ones you like the best.  On the busy Saturday night when we visited, there were bars set up both inside the brewery and outside in the large gathering area where there are tables, a large lawn where people sit on folding chairs and blankets, and a stage for live music. The brewery was hosting a fundraiser and there were booths of food vendors from local eating establishments.  For $25 you could drink your beer, eat all you wanted of an eclectic assortment of delicious food, enjoy the music, and support a great local cause. Terrapin has made a huge impact on the Athens community over the past decade supporting many local philanthropic organizations and sponsoring numerous special events.

A generous 4 ounce pour.  Eight pours per visit. 
What did we have:
Unfortunately I was the driver that night, so I had to limit my beer consumption.  Truthfully, I have tried most of Terrapin's beers over the years, so I was familiar with their offerings.  I really like the Hop Karma, a brown IPA with just the right balance of malt and hops.  The Rye Pale Ale is very popular and I enjoyed that as well.  My favorite was the special release Anniversary Ale, a strong Belgian 10% blond with malt, spices and totally yummy. If it's hot and you're thirsty, the crisp, clean bold tasting Golden Ale, my husband's favorite, may be your beer of choice. For hop lovers, the Hopsecutioner, is a big hit, and Hopzilla, a side project with a whopping 110 IBUs is only for the real hop head. The great thing about Terrapin is that you just never know what they are going to come up with next. Whatever it is, I know it's going to be fun.

Great people and dog watching at Terrapin
What's fun:
Okay, so here is the deal.  If you love craft beer and haven't visited our quintessential college town (and why haven't you?)  I have a reason for you to put Athens, GA on your list of "must visit" locales. It is really hard to beat the fun you'll have on an April or October evening at Terrapin Brewery on a Saturday night.  With the laid back happy crowd, the live music, the superb people (and dog) watching, it feels like an American version of a German beer garden.  The beer is great, and with every year it keeps getting better. I absolutely expect to see this microbrewery listed on the Beer Advocate's top 50 list near future.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Caribbean Cruise - Spring Break 2012

The Celebrity Eclipse in all her glory.
Spring Break is a glorious thing when you work on a college campus. If you work during the break it's nice and quiet and you can catch up on all the things you've put aside during the semester.  If you're really smart, you'll take advantage of the break and head out somewhere fun to relax, recreate and rejuvenate.

That's just what my husband and I did this year.  We flew to Miami and boarded the Celebrity Eclipse for a week long cruise in the Caribbean.  Since I'm always in search of beer, wine and chocolate, that's exactly what I did on this cruise.

The beer:  Whenever I can, I always like to drink local.  Even though the Caribbean is not known for their great beer, I still totally enjoyed the experience, and found a local beer I actually enjoyed.

There were no craft beer options aboard the Eclipse.  This may change in the near future. With the growing popularity of craft beer, Celebrity piloted a specialty bar that features 64 beer choices on their newest ship, the Silhouette.  I was told by the beverage manager that it has been a great success and they are planning to incorporate the concept on other ships. When I write my review next year, it may be totally different.

In addition to the usual, Bud, Miller, Heineken, Corona, etc, our choices aboard the Eclipse included some very flavorful beer, including Leffe from Belgium, Boddingtons and Newcastle from England. We enjoyed what we had but when we went a shore on the islands we searched for local offerings.

A bottle of Carib tasted mighty fine. 
My favorite, and by far the most fun beer experience, took place on the island of St. Kitts.  We took a catamaran with about 30 other happy folks on a snorkeling trip. We began our trip with an hour sail along the coast of the beautiful island to a choice snorkeling cove. We spent an hour snorkeling in the turquoise waters where we were treated to a colorful display of the ocean's inhabitants.

After the snorkeling was completed,  the bar in the catamaran opened, offering rum punch with freshly grated nutmeg, and beer.  I cracked open a Carib, a beer brewed in Trinidad and Tobago. After a few hours in the sun and surf, it tasted amazing.  A clean, crisp, slightly sweet lager, went down just fine on that gorgeous afternoon.  We sailed to a private beach where we enjoyed a barbecue and a few more Caribs and an hour or two of fun on the beach.  I'd have to rate this one great beer experience that I won't forget anytime soon.

This group of red wines did not require refrigeration. 

The Wine:  What's lacking in beer selection aboard the Celebrity Eclipse, you make up in the wine selection.  It is impressive by most standards, and we enjoyed a number of great wine selections aboard ship. You can purchase a wine package and try a new bottle of wine every night, or partake in one of the wine tastings they offer  for both beginners and more experienced enthusiasts.

The ship offers a unique wine experience in their Cellar Masters bar.  Wines are grouped and stored at the ideal temperature for the type of wine. A specially designed dispenser will let you pour the amount of wine you choose. You are charged a few dollars for a sample, a little more for a small glass, or as much as $15 - $20 for a full glass of the more expensive selections. This is a great way to find a new favorite without having to buy a whole bottle.

The wine steward prepares a flight of white wine for us.

We sampled a flight of whites that were recommended by the wine steward. They included Elk Cove Pinot Gris from the Willamette Valley in Oregon, Paco & Lola Albarino  from the Rais Baixas region of Spain and 2009 Chardonnays from Cakebread Cellars and Far Niente, both from the Napa Valley in California. I enjoyed all the choices, particularly the Far Niente, and would consider buying a bottle stateside.

My favorite wine experience on board ship took place one night when they offered skygazing on the top deck. One unique feature on the Eclipse and other Celebrity ships is that they have a full lush lawn on the top deck on the ship.  Not just for show, you can actually walk, play games and lounge on the lawn at any time during the cruise.  It's very relaxing and a nice feature.

During the stargazing event, guests are invited to lie out on blankets provided by the ship's staff, order a glass of wine and enjoy a guided tour of the heavens provided by on of the ships navigators.  The ambiance was amazing and a glass of wine enhanced the experience as we identified constellations and planets while the ship smoothly sailed through the Caribbean Sea.

Afternoon tea

The Chocolate:  Celebrity cruise line is known for it's fine food, and in one week's time you can sample more chocolate than you can even imagine.  All the chocolate pastries and ice cream are made on board during the cruise. Even the sugar free options are amazing.

Start the day with a chocolate croissant at breakfast. How about some chocolate bread pudding, or chocolate cheesecake for lunch?  Mid-afternoon enjoy a scoop of chocolate ice cream or gelato. For afternoon tea enjoy a plate of delicate pastries of your choice. Instead of tea you may order a specialty mocha coffee. Dessert at dinner may be chocolate mousse, triple chocolate layer cake or baked Alaska.

After dinner you can savor a chocolate martini,and when you return to your state room, you'll find a gourmet square of unusually blended chocolate such as dark chocolate infused with ginger, on your pillow. The next day, just start all over again with a new selection of treats. It's no wonder the average cruiser gains a few pounds during the week.

Baked Alaska with homemade chocolate ice cream.